
Qu’est-ce qu’un appareillage de commutation ?

Qu’est-ce qu’un appareillage de commutation ?

What is Switchgear?

Il y a des opérations que l’on performe dans le système d’électrique comme tous les systèmes. La charge électrique et les matériels peuvent devoir être déconnecté/connecté, le système ou une des parties de système peut devoir être coupé pour la maintenance ou bien pour une autre raison dans ces systèmes. Bien que les raisons puissent être la défaillance électrique ou une foudre, elles peuvent être aussi qu’une pièce ou une branche qui nécessite d’être déconnecté/enlevé quand un moteur doit être entraîné. De plus, un système doit être surveillés et mesurés. Ces opérations sont réalisées en utilisant les dispositifs qui s’appelle ‘le panneau de distribution électrique’. Ces panneaux sont souvent exposés au survoltage, a la surintensité et ils marchent tout le temps. Ainsi, ces dispositifs doivent être absolument solides et surs.

Le panneau de distribution est considéré souvent comme un disjoncteur ou un sectionneur mais ce terme englobe les équipements utilisés pour la protection, la commutation, le mesurément, le monitoring, le contrôle, leurs accessoires, l’interconnexion et le boîtier. Ce boîtier sur lequel presque tous les éléments d’un panneau de distribution électrique sont placés est généralement appelé comme ‘le tableau électrique’.

Les panneaux sont utilisés dans tous les systèmes électriques des niveaux de basse tension (consommateur) a moyenne tension (distribution) et haute tension (génération – transmission). La différence entre basse tension et moyenne tension/haute tension est très important car le tableau de moyenne tension et haute tension peuvent se chevaucher. Quelques standards sur les panneaux de distribution électrique peuvent être vu au-dessous :

Basse Tension

Moyenne-Haute Tension

IEC 898

IEC 62271-1

IEC 947-2

IEC 62271-100

IEC 947-3

IEC 62271-102

IEC 1008

IEC 62271-103


IEC 62271-105


IEC 62271-200


IEC 60071-1


IEC 62271-203


IEC 62271-300


Quels sont les types d’appareillage de commutation ?

En fait, il n’y a pas d’une moyenne spéciale pour catégoriser les panneaux dans une telle variété mais en gros -pour le faciliter- vous pouvez trouver les définitions générales des panneaux au-dessous. De plus, il est possible de les catégoriser selon leur fonctionnes :

  • Les fusibles 
  • Les commutateurs
  • Les sectionneurs 
  • Les disjoncteurs

Les fusibles : Dispositif qui interrompt un circuit en perdant son intégration chimique/mécanique sous la surcharge de courant.

Les commutateurs : Dispositif qui peut ouvrir et fermer un circuit lors de l’opération normal et opération anormale limitée.

Les fusibles et les commutateurs peuvent être combinés et utilisé ensemble.

Les sectionneurs : Dispositif mécanique de commutation qui peut ouvrir un circuit électrique pour l’isolation. Les sectionneurs doivent être transporter le courant d’opération quand le circuit est fermé et résister à la tension d’opération normale quand le circuit est ouvert. Un sectionneur doit être capable de résister à la surcharge de tension et de courant pour un quantité ou bien période limité.

Les disjoncteurs : Dispositif mécanique de commutation qui peut couper le courant dans l’occurrence d’une opération anormale tel que les défaillances. Il doit être capable de transporter le courant d’opération normale.

Comment fonctionne l’appareillage de commutation ?

Nous avons déjà mentionné que presque tous les appareillages de commutation est un type d’un dispositif mécanique de commutation. C’est la raison pour laquelle il est raisonnable de construire l’opération des appareillages de commutation en haut des commutateurs fondamentaux et mécaniques. Dans les appareillages de commutation, les pôles son les terminaux sur le chaque côté de dispositif qui sont fixés et connectés au système. Il y a à des pièces de contact qui s’ouvre et se ferme entre les pôles. Sur le bout des contacts, il y a des contacts qui construisent la connexion d’électricité. Le contact est opéré en utilisant un type de mécanisme qui s’appelle le mécanisme d’ouverture. Chaque dispositif de commutation possède certaines formes de ces pièces et opère similairement. Pour quelques-uns, les mécanismes d’ouverture est électromécanique et possède censeurs ou dispositif électronique de contrôle pour le contrôler à distance. Quelques-uns a des matériaux diélectrique pour amortir l’arc électrique causé par l’opération de commutation.

Appareillage de commutation a moyenne tension

Dans le système de moyenne tension, la magnitude de l’arc électrique est très large qu’il a possibilité de causer une sorte de l’incendie. C’est pourquoi, les disjoncteurs qui sont utilisés a moyenne tension, a des matériaux diélectriques pour distinguer l’arc qui est crée a cause de l’opération de commutation. Nous pouvons faire une catégorisation des appareillages de commutation a moyenne tension par le matériel diélectrique qui est utilisé :

  • Appareillage de commutation isolé par air
  • Appareillage de commutation isolé par huile
  • Appareillage de commutation isolé sous vide 
  • Appareillage de commutation isolé par hexafluorure de soufre (SF6)

D’abord, l’huile était un matériel populaire pour amortissement d’arc dans l’appareillage de commutation a la moyenne tension et haute tension. Mais la force d’huile diminue rapidement quand l’huile est contaminée. Pour l’empêcher, les appareillages de commutation isolé par l’huile exigent la maintenance régulière. Le vacuum et les appareillages de commutation isolé par SF6 sont développé comme une solution de cet obstacle. Récemment, les appareillages de commutation les plus utilisés sont les uns isolés par SF6. Le gaz d’hexafluorure de soufre possède une force diélectrique, il est ininflammable et non-toxique sous les conditions normales.

Quels sont les dangers de vieillissement des appareillages de commutation a moyenne tension ?

En fait, la réponse est simple mail très puissante. Imaginez une défaillance de court-circuit et les disjoncteurs ne marchent pas, la surcharge de courant continue à s’écouler par le système et probablement brûle chaque component sur sa route. L’opération sûr des appareillages de commutation a moyenne tension est directement liée à l’opération sûr et optimale des installations aussi bien que la sécurité du travail. Pour utiliser surement les appareillages de commutation a MT dans sa durée de fonctionnement optimal, il faut qu’on doive considérer :

  • La dimension et installation correcte des appareillages de commutation. 
  • La condition optimale d’ambient tel qu’il est spécifié par le manufacturier 
  • L’utilisation des appareillages de commutation selon son usage prévu.

La condition optimale d’ambiant, la température et l’humidité affectent considérablement la durée de fonctionnement des équipements. Nos contrôleurs de température et d’humidité : THC102 et THC202 peuvent être utilisés pour fournir la condition optimale d’opération.


Warne, D. F. (Ed.). (2005). Newnes electrical power engineer's handbook. Elsevier.

Whitaker, J. C. (2018). AC power systems handbook. CRC press.

McDonald, J. D. (2016). Electric power substations engineering. CRC press.

Sallam, A. A., & Malik, O. P. (2018). Electric distribution systems.

Weedy, B. M., Cory, B. J., Jenkins, N., Ekanayake, J. B., & Strbac, G. (2012). Electric power systems. John Wiley & Sons.

Patrick, D. R., & Fardo, S. W. (2021). Electrical distribution systems. CRC Press.





This informative text, ORION ELEKTRIK ELEKTRONIK BILIŞIM SAN. VE TIC. LTD. ŞTI. (Referred to as Orion EE) as the "data controller", in order to fulfill the "disclosure obligation" within the scope of the 10th article of the Law on Protection of Personal Data No.6698.

The meanings of the following terms in the information text refer to the Law No. 6698, the definitions in the Regulations and Communiqués issued regarding this Law, and are as follows.

Personal data: All kinds of information regarding an identified or identifiable natural person,

  • Processing of personal data: Obtaining, recording, storing, preserving, changing, reorganizing, disclosing, transferring, taking over, making available to personal data completely or partially automatically or by non-automatic means provided that it is a part of any data recording system. Any transaction performed on data such as classification or prevention of use,
  • Related person: The real person whose personal data is processed,
  • Explicit consent: Consent on a specific subject, based on information and declared with free will,
  • Anonymizing: Making personal data unidentified or unrelated to a natural person, even by matching with other data,
  • Data controller: Natural or legal person who determines the purposes and means of processing personal data and is responsible for the establishment and management of the data recording system,
  • Data processor: Real or legal person who processes personal data on behalf of the data controller, based on the authority given by the data controller,
  • Data recording system: A recording system in which personal data are structured and processed according to certain criteria
  • Contact person: The real person who is notified by the data controller during the registration to the Registry for the communication to be established with the Authority regarding the obligations of the legal persons residing in Turkey and the representative of the legal person data controller who are not resident in Turkey within the scope of the Law and the secondary regulations to be issued based on this Law. ,
  • Personal data storage and destruction policy: The policy on which data controllers are the basis for the process of determining the maximum time required for the purpose for which personal data are processed and for deletion, destruction and anonymization.


In legal entities, the data controller is the legal entity itself. The data controller obligations of legal persons residing in Turkey within the scope of the Law are fulfilled by the body / person or persons authorized to represent and bind the legal entity. The body authorized to represent the legal entity may assign one or more persons in relation to the obligations to be fulfilled in terms of the implementation of the Law. This assignment does not remove the liability of the legal entity pursuant to the provisions of the Law.

Orion EE carries out its activities as a corporate capital company located in Turkey. Information about Orion EE as the data controller is as follows.

Data Supervisor's;


Mersis Number: 647033672200011

Address: Şerifali Mah. Mevdudi Sok. No: 15A 34775 Umraniye Istanbul

Phone: +90 216 217 5309

Email address: info@orionee.com

Registered Electronic Mail (KEP): orion.elektrik@hs01.kep.tr

Contact Person: Ali YILDIRIM


Orion EE, within the scope of the obligation to inform the relevant persons,

Identity of the data controller and, if any, its representative,

  • The purpose for which personal data will be processed,
  • To whom and for what purpose the processed personal data can be transferred,
  • The method and legal reason for collecting personal data,
  • What are the rights of the persons whose personal data are processed,
  • is obliged to give information about. Orion EE also regarding data security;
  • To prevent unlawful processing of personal data,
  • To prevent unlawful access to personal data,
  • To ensure the protection of personal data,

It takes the necessary security measures in order. Orion EE does not disclose the personal data obtained by conducting the necessary audits in order to ensure the implementation of the provisions of Law No. 6698 in its institution or organization, and does not use it for purposes other than processing.


The personal data to be processed by Orion EE are stated below, and new data may be added and / or changed when required and / or required by law.

Personal data subject to data processing;

  • Name, Surname, TR No, Date of Birth, etc. ID information,
  • Address, phone, fax, e-mail, etc. contact information,
  • Tax Office and Tax Number information,
  • Information about employees' wages, social security, bank account numbers, and family members,
  • Information about profession and education status,
  • Camera recording, fingerprint etc. informations


Personal data can be obtained directly from the person concerned, as well as indirectly, depending on the purpose of acquisition of the acquired data, including but not limited to online sales platforms, camera recording, vendors, solution partner institutions and organizations.


Orion EE processes personal data for the following purposes. These purposes;

  • Tax, etc. within the scope of tax laws, Turkish Commercial Code No. 6102 and other legal regulations. fulfillment of liabilities regarding public receivables,
  • Taking measures regarding the protection of consumer rights within the scope of the Law No. 6502 on the Protection of Consumers,
  • Receiving orders for the products that the relevant persons want to purchase from Orion EE, selling the products, delivering the products to the relevant persons, collecting the prices, providing after-sales services for the sold product, measuring customer satisfaction, collecting any complaints and suggestions regarding the sold product or service evaluation,
  • Increasing the service quality,
  • Carrying out campaigns, promotions, advertisements and promotional activities regarding products and services, providing information on these issues,
  • Ensuring internal security, increasing production efficiency,
  • Proving the business relationship, recording wages and salary information, making legal notifications to the Finance, Social Security Institution and other institutions, applying the principles of occupational health and safety, fulfilling the obligations arising from the laws, determining working conditions.


Orion EE does not transfer the personal data it has obtained for data processing purposes to third parties / institutions without the express consent of the data subject.


Personal data to be processed by Orion EE are processed by obtaining the "express consent" of the relevant person within the scope of Law No. 6698. Explicit consent; It refers to the consent of the person concerned, which is based on information and will be explained freely on a specific subject.

In accordance with Article 5/2 of Law No.6698, in the event of one of the following conditions, personal data may be processed without the explicit consent of the person concerned.

  • It is clearly stipulated in the laws.
  • It is compulsory for the protection of the life or physical integrity of the person who is unable to disclose his consent due to actual impossibility or whose consent is not legally valid.
  • It is necessary to process personal data belonging to the parties to the contract, provided that it is directly related to the establishment or performance of a contract.
  • It is mandatory for the data controller to fulfill his legal obligation.
  • It has been made public by the person concerned.
  • When data processing is mandatory for the establishment, use or protection of a right.
  • If data processing is mandatory for the legitimate interests of the data controller, provided that it does not harm the fundamental rights and freedoms of the person concerned.


Orion EE destroys the personal data (deletes, destroys or anonymizes the personal data) upon the expiration of the purpose of processing personal data, and the expiry of the mandatory retention periods specified in the Laws and other legislation.


The persons concerned have to apply to the data controller and ask about themselves;

  • Learning whether personal data is processed,
  • Requesting information if personal data has been processed,
  • Learning the purpose of processing personal data and whether they are used appropriately for their purpose,
  • To know the third parties in the country or abroad to whom personal data have been transferred,
  • To request correction of personal data in case of incomplete or incorrect processing,
  • Requesting the deletion or destruction of personal data within the framework of the conditions stipulated in the law,
  • Request notification of changes regarding personal data to third parties to whom personal data are transferred,
  • Object to the occurrence of a result against the person himself by analyzing the processed data exclusively through automated systems,
  • To demand the compensation of the damage in case of damage due to the unlawful processing of personal data,has the rights.


Natural persons whose personal data are processed may apply to Orion EE regarding their claims within the scope of their rights specified in Article 11 of Law No.6698. The persons concerned can benefit from this right provided that they submit their applications in Turkish. The relevant persons can convey their requests to Orion EE via one of the following communication channels. In this direction, the relevant persons request;

  • In writing,
  • Via registered electronic mail (KEP) address,
  • Through secure electronic signature or mobile signature,
  • By using the e-mail address previously notified to Orion EE by the person whose personal data is processed and registered in Orion EE's system,
  • In the applications;
  • Name, surname and signature if application is in writing,
  • For citizens of the Republic of Turkey, T.C. identification number, nationality for foreigners, passport number or identification number, if any,
  • Place of residence or workplace address for notification,
  • Notification e-mail address, telephone and fax number, if any,
  • Demand, must be found. Information and documents on the subject must be attached to the application. Application requests can be made using the "Application Request Form". For the applications to be made by the relevant persons, the communication channels specified in the "2-INFORMATION RELATED TO THE DATA RESPONSIBLE" section of this informative text can be used.

Orion EE finalizes the requests in the application free of charge as soon as possible and within thirty days at the latest, depending on the nature of the request. However, if the transaction requires an additional cost, a fee may be charged in the amount specified in Article 7 of the "Communiqué on Application Procedures and Principles to Data Officer". In case the application is caused by the error of the data controller, the fee collected is returned to the person concerned.


This informative text has been prepared within the scope of the Law No.6698 and the Regulations and Communiqués published within the scope of the Law and Orion EE personal data processing purposes and policies. Necessary changes can be made in the information text in line with the changes in the relevant legal legislation and / or Orion EE's personal data processing purposes and policies.

The most up-to-date version of the Information Text https://www.orionee.com can be reached at.


Mersis Number: 647033672200011

Address: Şerifali Mah. Mevdudi Sok. No: 15A 34775

Umraniye / Istanbul

Phone: +90 216 217 5309

Email address: info@orionee.com

Politique Relative Aux Cookies


ORION ELEKTRIK ELEKTRONIK BILIŞIM SAN. VE TIC. LTD. ŞTI. (Hereinafter "Orion EE" or the "Company"), we show the utmost sensitivity to process the personal data of our website visitors in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Law No.6698 and other relevant legislation ("KVK Legislation") and use cookies through our website. We would like to state that we are.

The purpose of this Cookie Policy is about the types of cookies obtained by visiting https://www.orionee.com/ website ("Site") by Site users / members / visitors ("Data Owner") to inform you about.

What is a Cookie?

Cookies are small text files, mostly consisting of letters or numbers, that allow the device to be identified, which is stored on your computer or mobile device ("device") when you visit a website.

What Are Your Personal Data Processed Through Cookies?

By means of cookies, your usage and visiting habits, session information, past transactions and browsing information on the Site are processed.

By Which Method Are Cookies Collected and Used For What Purposes?

• As a company, we process your personal data consisting of log files, blank gif files and / or cookies collected through third party sources in accordance with the KVK Legislation and limited to the following purposes:

• In order to provide better service to our site visitors, your browsing information on the Site is processed, limited to this purpose, it is shared with third parties and stored securely.

• Your past transactions are stored in order to create a summary of your preferences.

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The Company may match the information collected by different methods online and offline, or the information collected from you on the Site at different times, and use this information together with information obtained from other sources such as third parties.

What Types of Cookies Are Used?

Both first-party cookies (placed by the site you are visiting) and third-party cookies (placed by servers other than the site you visit) are used on our site. Below you can find the different types of cookies we use on our Site:

Mandatory (Basic) Cookies: These are the cookies that are mandatory to use in order for the site to function properly and to benefit from its features and services. For example, authentication cookies, which are activated when you log on to our site, ensure that your active session continues when you switch from one page to another on our site. Disabling these cookies may cause services and features to become unavailable.

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Advertising Cookies: Cookies that help us provide content on the site that suits your interests and needs.

Flash Cookies: These are cookies used to activate image or audio content on the site.

Google Analytics

• Function: Monitoring / Analysis

• Purpose of Use: To measure and analyze the visitor movements coming to the site from different angles in order to increase the performance and user experience.

• Operation Method: It provides anonymous collective data about what screens you browse and what you do on the Orion EE.com.tr website.

• Cookie Type: Third Party, Persistent and Session cookies

Google Adwords

• Function: Cross-Site Monitoring

• Purpose of Use: Based on your browsing behavior, our ads can be shown in a special, personalized way for you.

• Operation Method: Provides anonymous information about visitors, such as sites visited before and after the Kütahya Porselen website.

• Cookie Type: Third Party, Persistent and Session cookies


• Function: Monitoring / Analysis

• Purpose of Use: To increase the efficiency of the planned campaigns, to provide different advertising communications (remarketing, etc.) according to the user profile, to collect information about the visitors to the site in order to benefit from the creation of future plans.

• Operation Method: The geographical (location) and technical information (ip, device, browser, operating system, etc.) of the users visiting Orion EE.com.tr are provided by the developed adserver software.

• Cookie Type: Third Party, Persistent and Session cookies

How Can You Control Cookie Usage?

It is not mandatory to use cookies to use our site; By changing the settings of your browser, you have the opportunity to customize your preferences for cookies.

If you set your browser to block all cookies, you can continue to use our Site; However, you may not be able to access all functions of the Site or your access may be limited, the quality of your user experience may decrease.

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What Are Your Rights as a Data Owner?

In accordance with Article 11 of the KVKK, your personal data,

• learning whether it has been processed,

• requesting information about it if it has been processed,

• learning the purpose of processing and whether they are used appropriately,

• To know the third parties in the country or abroad to whom personal data have been transferred,

• To request correction of personal data in case of incomplete or incorrect processing, and to request notification of the transaction made within this scope to third parties to whom personal data have been transferred,

• To request the deletion or destruction of personal data in the event that the reasons requiring its processing disappear, despite the fact that it has been processed in accordance with the provisions of KVKK and other relevant laws, and to request notification of the transaction made within this scope to third parties to whom personal data has been transferred

• Object to the occurrence of a result against the person himself by analyzing the processed data exclusively through automated systems,

• To request the compensation of the damage in case of damage due to the unlawful processing of personal data.

We would like to inform you that you have the rights.

Your requests regarding your rights in question, preferably by filling in all the information specified in the Relevant Person Application Form on our website,

• Şerifali Mah. Mevdudi Sokak No:15A 34775 Ümraniye İstanbul Türkiye

Coming personally to our head office at Şerifali Mah. Mevdudi Sokak No:15A 34775 Ümraniye İstanbul Türkiye,

• In writing, through a notary public or by registered mail, in order to identify your identity and not to inform the wrong people,

• Via our registered electronic mail (KEP) address in the form of orion.elektrik@hs01.kep.tr,

• By sending an e-mail to info@orionee.com (if any) using the e-mail address previously reported to Orion EE and registered in our systems,

or by other methods to be determined by the Board in the future.


Personal data owners defined as "relevant person" in the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698 (will be referred to as "KVKK") (will be referred to as "Applicant") are given the following rights within the scope of Article 11 of the KVKK:

• Learning whether your personal data is being processed,

• If your personal data has been processed, to request information regarding this,

• Learning the purpose of processing your personal data and whether they are used appropriately for their purpose,

• To know the third parties in the country or abroad to whom your personal data has been transferred,

• To request correction of your personal data if it is incomplete or incorrectly processed, and to request notification of the transaction made within this scope to third parties to whom your personal data has been transferred,

• To request the deletion or destruction of your personal data in the event that the reasons requiring its processing disappear, despite the fact that it has been processed in accordance with the provisions of other laws and other legislation related to KVKK, and to request the third parties to whom your personal data has been transferred,

• Object to the occurrence of a result against you by analyzing the processed data exclusively through automated systems,

• Request compensation in case you suffer damage due to unlawful processing of your personal data.

Pursuant to the 1st paragraph of Article 13 of the KVKK and the Communiqué on Application Procedures and Principles to the Data Officer, the applications to be made to our Company regarding these rights are either in writing or by using the e-mail address previously notified by you to our Company and registered in our Company's system orionee.com address by sending an e-mail or other methods to be determined in the future by the Personal Data Protection Board (referred to as the "Board"). In this context, the applications to be made to our Company in "written" form, by printing this form;

• By applying to our company personally by the applicant,

• Through a notary public or by registered mail,

• If the Applicant has an e-mail address registered in our Company's systems, they can be sent from this address to our Company's info@orionee.com address by sending an e-mail.

Below, we provide information specific to the written application channels regarding how the written applications will be delivered to us: Application Method Application Address Information to be Specified in the Application Submission Application in person (Application by the applicant personally coming to the application address with a document certifying his identity) Şerifali Mah. Mevdudi Sok. No: 15A 34775 Ümraniye / İstanbul "Request for Information within the Scope of the Law on Protection of Personal Data" will be written on the envelope.

Notification through a notary

Şerifali Mah. Mevdudi Sok. No: 15A 34775 Ümraniye / Istanbul envelope "Information Request within the Scope of the Law on Protection of Personal Data" will be written. Sending an e-mail from your e-mail address registered to our company, "Request for Information within the Scope of the Law on Protection of Personal Data" will be written in the subject part of the e-mail message of info@orionee.com. Your applications submitted to us will be answered within thirty days from the date your request reaches us, in accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 13 of the KVKK. Our responses will be delivered to you in writing or electronically in accordance with the provision of article 13 of the KVKK.

Click to see the application form.